Friday, December 30, 2011

The most hated phrases of 2011

That's right.. I have a "Top 10" too (Only, its a top 7). Why should news channels and Time magazine have all the fun? I mean what's the difference between them and me anyway? We are meaningless, give a hoot about research and invariably come up with inane arguments. So Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the list of phrases which irked me the most... the phrases which made RA.ONE posters tolerable.. the phrases which made Donald Trump seem bearable .. the phrases Which made me pull my hair off (and hence left me with a balding head). Are you READY?

  1. superlike: Following it's predecessors kewl (2010) , LOL(2009) and anywayz/anywho (2000-2008), superlike is used by Facebook peeps. I mean, that Mark dude gave us a "Like" button.. but what if you really really like something? Can we like it twice? No! Clearly he did not think this through. No worries folks, our enterprising Facebookers (BTW, this phrase missed the list by a whisker) have come up with superlike and it's cousin doublelike . You see how smooth this is?! Remember, you don't really love her cat's picture if you "like" it... you need to "superlike" it. Do we have a petition for adding a superlike button to Facebook? No? Good!
  2. R.I.P: Alright people. Listen to me and listen good. People are born, they live and then they die.This WILL happen. It's kinda sad when people you like die and even extremely painful when someone you know personally dies. But when Facebook and Twitter are the first things you see every morning, news about a list of dead folks I don't know (or know only as public figures) is not pleasant man! I mean.. I know it looks like you are showing compassion and all, but your "social life" needs to be more than R.I.P <random dead celebrity>" and "Happy Birthday <random Facebook friend> "
  3. Hundredth 100: This phrase has seen the entire life cycle. From expectation to anticipation to anxiety to exasperation to anguish. Now every one of Sachin's innings has become like my Job Hunt from the Spring of 2010 ( Apply apply.. no reply). I wish this is not on the "The most hated phrases of 2012" list. Of course, as we all know, granting the wish is in "God"'s hands.
  4. Job Creator: This may have something to do with the fact that my primary source of American political news is The Daily Show. I am from the land where there are a LOT of absurdities (Look at the next phrase), but a whole political party replacing the word "rich" with "job creator" is messed up. How many Daily Show clips do you need to watch before you give up? Give me a number and I will post the links!
  5. Jan Lokpal: Or as I call it, "Don't look pal". Does not rhyme? No fucking problem! No phrase has messed my head as this one has. Some really smart man came up with the idea that what feeds hungry people is a policemen! But hey, the systems are old and reforms are necessary, right? How can systems built for the 20th century pre-capitalism era work in the modern society? How does CBI's autonomy affect the "common man" corruption you talk about? Is punishment the solution for systemic diseases? Answer: "Screw you.. you are JAILED".
  6. Open Letter: On multiple occasions I have thought about writing "An open letter to all open letter writers". I really should write one! I mean, there have been "open letters" written to everyone from Gaddafi's supporters to Delhi Boy to Madrasi Girl. Somehow, you can seem a whole lot of smarter if you put your opinion in an Open Letter . Maybe this post should be an "Open letter to the almost dead English language"
  7. Hope: No word took a beating the way this word did! It's taken such a beating, that no one dares to use it anymore. Not in Eurozone, Not in Egypt, Not the Republicans and certainly not Obama. It's not the over use of this word but the lack of it that irked me. Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies - The Shawshank Redemption

In hindsight, this was the year India won the world cup.. So I really need to stop complaining. Here's to an even better 2012!


Vinay Ranganathan said...

nice one mate...the superlike, open letter and the rip s were the best..not to forget some very clever people among us who ignore the revolutionary like button and instead very cleverly write 'like' as a supercool is that...

Unknown said...

ha ha.. that is called creativity! nimgen gottu?

aravindrao said...

Super like!

aravindrao said...

Super like!